Looks like the last time I posted about Pixelfed (the federated photo-microblogging platform) was (*checks notes) in 2020 – time moves quickly when flies have fun!
Since then, Pixelfed gained some more ground, some apps, plenty of finesse, a lot of users, and, for the purpose of this entry, an Instagram import feature. Continue reading Pixelfed now supports importing your Insta archive, so I did just that.
Tag: macroblog
The “good enough” economy.
Looking at all the climate strikes, and the consumer culture we live in, I’ve been thinking lately about the why do we, humans, are programmed to always crave more, and how this conflicts with out current situation where a lot of things will inevitably have to plateau out if we’re to persist as a society.
Because true, innovation takes us forward, and innovation can’t happen without someone wanting more and more, wanting the strongest, the best. On the other hand, our whole western competition culture in its unstoppable spin of more, by now clearly having severe impact to our planet is a lot harder to sustain than it once was. (And so, we are still focusing on the easy part — the growth — without dealing with the hard part — doing it without impact.) Continue reading The “good enough” economy.
Hey wolf moon.
I’ve prepped for the lunar eclipse earlier today, but to what end — turns out it was only a “penumbral lunar eclipse”. Fun fact: “penumbral” is latin for “if you don’t read about it before, you won’t even notice it.”
(If you are an ignorant jerk like me, you can read more on what this eclipse was about, here.) Continue reading Hey wolf moon.