Nextcloud conf 2020.

After god-knows-how-long, last week I finally attended a conference. (I guess the last one was MWC and the Digital Dutch, which are more a trade shows then conferences… and before them, some Hungarian mobile related ones and Mozilla Summit back in the early 2010’s… So it was long ago.)

Anyhow, so I was at a conference, out of my own will — it was the Nextcloud Conference 2020 in Berlin, or in my case, my desk with my cat: Continue reading Nextcloud conf 2020.

A quick look on Jitsi, the self hosted Zoom alternative that doesn’t sell your data.

Zoom has turned into the de facto default conferencing solution for the lockdown, and as we all know this hasn’t worked out brilliantly for Zoom so far.  (Side note on the larger scale of things, another opportunity Google has missed to get some conferencing/video chatting market share.)

Bruce Schneier has possibly the best brief overview of the situation, but his summary is what I’d like to highlight for the purpose of this post:

In the meantime, you should either lock Zoom down as best you can, or — better yet — abandon the platform altogether.

His next suggestion is to look at Jitsi, and ethical/open source/privacy minded/call it what you will alternative; so I did. Continue reading A quick look on Jitsi, the self hosted Zoom alternative that doesn’t sell your data.