One thing (the Chrome-ocalypse) led to another (a fully reformed Kodi setup).

I have a gen2 Chromecast, and like so many others, I refuse to upgrade it to a 99USD AI enabled Google Gemini device just to enable the family to watch their Netflix. So inevitably, I also fell in the blast radius of the Chrome-ocalypse, the negligence-triggered breaking of gen2 devices by Google. I think actually by now, my Chromecast could even be up again, and even if it isn’t (it wasn’t when I last checked, yesterday evening), Google confirmed that eventually it will.

But this actually gave me the necessary nudge to finally clean up my Kodi config to enable Youtube and Netflix on it, and… well, one thing kinda led to another. Continue reading One thing (the Chrome-ocalypse) led to another (a fully reformed Kodi setup).

I switched (back) from iOS to Android and live to tell the tale.

I switched phones recently, from an iPhone SE 2020 to a Samsung A54.

There are multiple reasons: the biggest one is price – the A54 cost me under 400 euro, about half the price of an iPhone that would make sense. The second is fingerprint scanning: iPhones don’t have these any more, meaning I’d look like a clown multiple times a day (when paying or 2FA’ing). The third is battery life: I needed something that I don’t need to charge every 6 hours.

So what’s it like to use Android after iOS, Gergo?

Well, I’ll tell you. Continue reading I switched (back) from iOS to Android and live to tell the tale.

Syncing my notes between OSes using Nextcloud as backend proved to be more trivial than I thought.

For the longest time, I needed a solution to effortlessly sync notes between my multiple laptops, and yesterday I stumbled upon the simplest, trivial even, and almost-perfect solution to this. Continue reading Syncing my notes between OSes using Nextcloud as backend proved to be more trivial than I thought.