How to train your marathonist.

This is not going to be one of those “run a marathon in 3 easy steps” post (although…), but also not a certified training plan (that you’d never follow anyway). I will basically braindump what it took me to run my marathon at 42, because I know the experience will fade. So buckle up, it’s story time. Continue reading How to train your marathonist.

My hot take on Facebook’s Metaverse is this Toothpaste for Dinner blog post from 2007; also: how do I hit people?

Took me a while to find this oldie-but-goodie because sadly the original blog post on the exceptional Toothpaste for Dinner site is not accessible anymore. I finally found it here, and now I will shamefully repost it for my own purposes, as I tend to come back to this classic about every 6 months. Enjoy! Continue reading My hot take on Facebook’s Metaverse is this Toothpaste for Dinner blog post from 2007; also: how do I hit people?