This is not going to be one of those “run a marathon in 3 easy steps” post (although…), but also not a certified training plan (that you’d never follow anyway). I will basically braindump what it took me to run my marathon at 42, because I know the experience will fade. So buckle up, it’s story time. Continue reading How to train your marathonist.
Tag: running
So I ran a marathon.
And so it came to pass that yesterday I ran a marathon.
But… why? 😱
I’m 42 this year, and running 42k before my 42nd is over was a goal I set long ago, and was training for it in 2021, in an unofficial, self organising manner. It’s not a race, it is purely a challenge to myself; a challenge of discipline. Continue reading So I ran a marathon.
Runblog: Valencia, 21/May.
Summary: Valencia is beautiful. The park in the middle of the city gives the perfect venue for a run, but I still took some time to run around in the old city centre, look at some old churches (Santa Catalina and La Seu de València are the two that I remember, but there were more), and enjoy the empty streets. Spanish people seldom go out at 6AM. I ended up doing another 10k here. Continue reading Runblog: Valencia, 21/May.