Geek alert: enter the Image Ninja!

I’ve returned from my holidays in lovely Tenerife. Beautiful volcanic islands, grandiose landscapes… you either capture them in panorama or you don’t capture them at all. (In all honesty, even panorama doesn’t do justice, of course.)

So of course standing there in awe, looking at the beauty of let’s say Mount Teide, and thinking about the forces that created it, the question that literally everyone on Planet Earth would be asking is:

How do you capture all this beauty in Instagram?

Continue reading Geek alert: enter the Image Ninja!

Mastodon is on on a sudden up in Hungary.

I’ve discovered Mastodon almost a year ago (already somewhat late to the party of course), and have used it with limited frequency (and unlimited enthusiasm). But a couple of days ago two things happened, curiously coincidentally: during my holidays I deleted the Twitter client from my phone, and then, when I came back from holiday, I discovered that Mastodon, at least in Hungary, suddenly came alive.

Continue reading Mastodon is on on a sudden up in Hungary.

Take the power (of my data) back.

So I have been rocking my own Nextcloud instance for a while.

I could say inspired by this tweet…

…but that wouldn’t be true, as I installed it some time before that, and have tested/piloted it by then.

It’s a Nextcloud on one of my servers. It works. I like it. Continue reading Take the power (of my data) back.