A very early look at Pixelfed.social, the federated Instagram clone.

Along with the recent rediscovery of Mastodon (and not entirely coincidentally) I came across Pixelfed, a (let’s put it this way) Instagram clone… in a very early stage.

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Mastodon is on on a sudden up in Hungary.

I’ve discovered Mastodon almost a year ago (already somewhat late to the party of course), and have used it with limited frequency (and unlimited enthusiasm). But a couple of days ago two things happened, curiously coincidentally: during my holidays I deleted the Twitter client from my phone, and then, when I came back from holiday, I discovered that Mastodon, at least in Hungary, suddenly came alive.

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Let’s talk about the Mastodon in the room

This weekend’s hype in the Twitterverse is hands down Mastodon — the free (as in free beer), free (as in free speech), open, federated social network slash microblogging service. Technically speaking it’s a GNU Social implementation, but what it really is in layman’s terms, is a Twitter clone. The service(s) currently count around 128kĀ users, adding a couple of hundred every hour. I can’t explain very clearly why, but this attempt looks very exciting to me. I’m trying to collect nonetheless. Continue reading Let’s talk about the Mastodon in the room